Friday, October 14, 2011

Reboot The System

First, while legitimately making one, the Tea Partiers and the Wall Street protesters are missing the point!! It appears as if both sides are mocking what the other stands for instead of conceding that each has a valid point that all centers on the same thing: THE GOVERNMENT. Instead of their numbers and might together to achieve what they both ultimately want, reform, they choose instead to enter into the age-old ‘mine is bigger than yours’ contest. In doing so, they slander one another and ultimately will achieve nothing; sort of like Congress.

The Tea Partiers are made up of the mostly conservative of our society and the elderly. They have a genuine complaint, they paid money into a system that told them that money would be there and available when they reached retirement. Simply, they have paid a government that mismanaged the funds. That same institution is now in a 4th quarter come from behind scramble as they try to keep their multi-trillion catastrophe in check. They need revenue to keep their financial obligations met, and they need it fast. A potential source of revenue is through the repayment of government student loans.

Like a bad ‘loan shark’ the government is now owed almost 1 trillion dollars…Student loan debt has surpassed total credit card debt in the U.S. This year’s graduating class of college seniors had the highest average debt to date, and that total amount is projected to reach more than $1 trillion later this year.” Except, these students have now graduated into an economically suppressed world, how can they pay back what they cannot make? I accept that each of these individuals is responsible for their own credit management, and the government made no GURANTEES that there would be jobs when they graduated, but just by making these loans seems proof enough to me that they were confident there would be jobs so that these loans would be repaid right? What loan shark loans out a trillion dollars and doesn’t expect to be paid back? Not one who wants to stay in business long, or one who has a more epic plan.

It would take a very rich and powerful man (or in this case institution) to knowingly lend out 1 trillion dollars to his (or it’s) people with the foresight that they will not be able to pay it back. This scenario now sets the stage for a thrilling drama. In the loan shark world, these individuals would become the property of their debtor; their life is now in his hands. They do his bidding or lose a finger, a hand, a family member, or perhaps even their life if they dare refuse. Isn’t that what is going to happen to this new army of people emerging to have their economic life become forfeit to their government? The government now has at its disposal an educated mass of people to puppeteer the way they need them to move.

It might sound complicated or a bit farfetched, I’m sure, but the alternative is almost too scary to bear. If the United States government did loan out a trillion dollars without an almost certainty that its constituents would be able to seek gainful employment in order to repay them, why in the hell are they in charge of the checkbook? Isn’t that just fiscal irresponsibility to the trillionth degree? How does this whole situation not scream to every citizen of this country that it is time for new leadership? If it doesn’t then I blame our education that has also become a casualty of the current law makers.

Let’s pull together. Our numbers our great, and united behind one ideology, REBOOT THE SYSTEM, we could see a REAL change in how our society is represented and run!

Christina Dawn